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The REALTOR® Next Door: Understanding the Impact of REALTORS® in Our Community

In our last conversation, we discussed the idea of “community.” We agreed “community” could be a geographic description, like your city or county, your neighborhood, your street or your social community, your family or groups of like-minded individuals.

In every definition, “community” represented a feeling, a sense of belonging. The place where you feel comfortable, supported, safe and “loved.”

REALTORS®: A Key Part of Our Community

Each community encompasses different groups of people, with friends, neighbors, family and others that make up the fabric of our daily lives, and I’ll bet your community includes a REALTOR®. Especially here in the Grand Valley, where we are nearly 900 strong.

You may have a REALTOR® as a close part of your community. Maybe they live next door, maybe not, but their positive impact is felt throughout the Valley.

What Do REALTORS® in Our Community Do?

So, what do the REALTORS® in our community do? What is the economic impact of REALTORS® in our community? Here’s a quick snapshot:

  • We are here to help protect your right to own, buy, sell and enjoy your home by protecting your personal property rights. It’s the foundation of our profession.
  • We build wealth for our neighbors and their families by helping their dream of homeownership become a reality. The generational wealth of homeowners is proven to be 40 times that of renters over their lifetime.
  • We protect Fair Housing rules that protect the rights of all to buy and enjoy personal property.
  • We support our communities. REALTORS® give back more than any other profession, with 90% of our members engaging in local philanthropic efforts, significantly more than any other profession.
  • We help protect consumers by adhering to a strict Code of Ethics that ensures consumers are informed, supported and advised on one of the most important purchases of their lives.
  • We are entrepreneurs (65% of which are women) that help drive our local economy. According to the National Association of REALTORS®, each real estate transaction creates 100 additional local transactions, potentially generating $100,000 in local economic activity. Here in the Grand Valley, our 900 REALTORS® completed just over 4,000 transactions in 2022, over $400,000,000. That’s a big economic impact for our community.

Is this all we do? No, not by a long shot. We also volunteer, coach, support our communities and love this place the way we all do. If you only know about REALTORS® from news reports or those realty reality shows that start with “Selling…” you may have a very different view of what we do daily.

I can assure you, our days are not full of glamourous lunches in the hottest new restaurant, wearing designer clothes and shoes and carrying expensive bags, with our ultra-luxury cars parked prominently at the valet. More likely we’re grabbing a “to-go” meal in our 10-year-old vehicle in between appointments. We belong here, we feel at home here, and we love this community as much as you do because this is our community too.

To see more of what REALTORS® do here and across the country, visit

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors