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Governor Pritzker is defending the state’s response to the migrant crisis in Chicago. The governor said the st…


Summary of WCMY Full News Report for 9/29/2023

Key Points

  • Governor Pritzker defends the state’s response to the migrant crisis in Chicago
  • State officials are working to address the situation and provide support for migrants

Quotes from Jessica Fulk

  • “As a realtor, I understand the importance of community support during times of crisis.”
  • “Real estate professionals can play a role in helping migrants find homes for sale and transition into their new lives.”

Engagement and Discussion

As the migrant crisis in Chicago continues to unfold, it is important for community members and professionals in various industries, including real estate, to come together and provide support. Governor Pritzker’s defense of the state’s response highlights the ongoing efforts to address the situation and ensure the well-being of migrants in the city.

Real estate expert Jessica Fulk encourages people to ask questions and engage in discussions about the crisis and its impact on the community. She emphasizes the role that realtors and real estate professionals can play in helping migrants find homes for sale and transition into their new lives in Chicago.

By fostering open dialogue and working together, we can help address the challenges faced by migrants and create a more inclusive and supportive community for all.

WCMY Full News Report for 9/29/2023 – Migrant Crisis in Chicago

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors