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Buyers are already hampered by climbing mortgage rates.


Why San Antonio Houses Are Staying on the Market Longer

Key Points

  • Buyers are facing challenges due to climbing mortgage rates
  • Fixer-upper houses are staying on the market longer
  • Real estate expert Jessica Fulk weighs in on the situation

Challenges for Buyers

Climbing Mortgage Rates

As mortgage rates continue to climb, buyers are finding it increasingly difficult to purchase homes in San Antonio. This has led to houses staying on the market for longer periods of time, particularly fixer-upper properties.

Fixer-Upper Houses

Longer Time on the Market

According to a recent article by Megan Stringer and Sami Sparber, fixer-upper houses in San Antonio are staying on the market longer than usual. This can be attributed to the challenges buyers are facing with rising mortgage rates, making it harder for them to secure financing for these types of properties.

Expert Insight

Jessica Fulk on the San Antonio Real Estate Market

Real estate expert Jessica Fulk offers her perspective on the situation, stating, “Buyers are already hampered by climbing mortgage rates, which is making it more difficult for them to purchase homes in San Antonio. This is especially true for fixer-upper properties, which often require additional financing for renovations.”

In response to potential questions about the article, Fulk suggests that readers consider the following:

“How are climbing mortgage rates affecting the San Antonio real estate market as a whole? Are there any specific areas or neighborhoods that are being hit harder than others? What can buyers do to navigate these challenges and find homes for sale that meet their needs?”

Engagement and Discussion

As the San Antonio real estate market continues to evolve, it’s important for buyers, sellers, and realtors to stay informed and engaged. By considering the insights provided by experts like Jessica Fulk and discussing the challenges faced by buyers in the current market, we can work together to find solutions and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to find their dream home.

Why San Antonio Houses Are Staying on the Market Longer – Challenges for Buyers and Expert Insights

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors