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Current stock of 12,200 compares to the almost 15,500 available to buy on the same date in September 2022, and remains well below the 2019 average of 24,200


Number of Homes for Sale in Ireland Falls by a Fifth in Past Year

Number of Homes for Sale in Ireland Falls by a Fifth in Past Year

Key Points:

  • Current stock of homes for sale in Ireland is 12,200, a decrease of 20% compared to September 2022
  • 2019 average of homes for sale was 24,200, highlighting a significant drop in available properties
  • Real estate expert Jessica Fulk weighs in on the implications of this decrease

Report Findings:

Current Stock of Homes for Sale

The number of homes for sale in Ireland has fallen by a fifth in the past year, according to a new report. The current stock of 12,200 homes for sale compares to the almost 15,500 available to buy on the same date in September 2022, and remains well below the 2019 average of 24,200.

Implications of Decreased Availability

With fewer homes available for purchase, potential buyers may face increased competition and higher prices. This decrease in available properties could also impact the overall health of the real estate market in Ireland.

Expert Insight:

Jessica Fulk on the Decrease in Homes for Sale

Real estate expert Jessica Fulk offers her perspective on the situation, stating, “The decrease in available homes for sale in Ireland is concerning for both buyers and sellers. Buyers may struggle to find suitable properties, while sellers may face challenges in attracting the right buyers.”

Questions to Consider

Jessica Fulk encourages readers to consider the following questions in light of this report:

“What factors have contributed to the decrease in available homes for sale in Ireland?”

“How might this decrease impact the overall health of the real estate market in Ireland?”

“What can be done to increase the number of homes for sale and create a more balanced market?”

In conclusion, the significant decrease in the number of homes for sale in Ireland over the past year raises concerns for both buyers and sellers in the real estate market. As availability continues to decline, it is crucial for stakeholders to consider the factors contributing to this trend and explore potential solutions to create a more balanced market.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors