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Preserving Parkville’s Charm While Embracing Growth

Parkville, a picturesque town in Missouri, has been experiencing rapid growth in recent years, becoming the second-fastest growing city in the metropolitan area. With this growth, the city is trying to maintain its small-town charm while accommodating the expanding population. One significant project, Village on the Green, aims to provide over 230 townhome units on undeveloped land. This development will diversify Parkville’s housing stock, catering to first-time homebuyers and those looking to downsize.

Village on the Green was first proposed in September 2021 but faced delays and disputes, pushing the project back to summer 2022. With the final administrative paperwork expected to be completed as early as next month, the project is finally moving forward.

Addressing Concerns and Ensuring a Charming Community

One concern regarding the development is the proposed emergency gate, which would provide access to emergency vehicles in a dead-end of a subdivision just south of Village on the Green. To address this concern, the gate will be limited to use by emergency vehicles only and will be signaled to open by emergency sirens.

Parkville’s charm is attributed to its serene and picturesque setting, with walking trails, dog trails, and various recreational areas situated near the Missouri River. The challenge lies in balancing the city’s growth while preserving these elements that make Parkville unique.

Managing Growth and Expanding Amenities

In the Creekside development, between 600-800 new housing units have been constructed, with plans for around 200 more. This rapid growth has contributed to the city’s population increase from approximately 7,100 in 2020 to an estimated 8,500 and continues to rise.

Despite this growth, the number of city employees has remained steady at about 40 people. However, changes are needed to manage the expanding population and accommodate residents’ desire for trails and other outdoor amenities.

Local Use Tax Proposal for Infrastructure and Recreation

To address the need for additional funding, Parkville officials plan to ask for an increase in the local use tax on the Nov. 7 ballot. The tax is expected to generate up to $300,000 per year and will be applied to online purchases from out-of-state vendors on goods shipped to Parkville.

Twenty percent of the tax will be used for construction, maintenance, and repairs of trails and pedestrian corridors, while 80 percent will go towards transportation, infrastructure, and capital improvements. The funding will be used to maintain the city’s existing 18.35 miles of trails and support the construction of new ones.

Planning for Parkville’s Future

To manage Parkville’s growth while protecting its charm, city officials are reviewing and updating city processes, including guidelines for new development such as building materials and landscaping. They are also beginning the process of updating the city’s parks plan and selecting a planning firm.

By carefully planning and implementing these measures, Parkville can continue to grow while preserving the qualities that make it a unique and charming community. With the development of new housing options like Village on the Green and the proposed local use tax for infrastructure and recreation, Parkville is poised to strike a balance between growth and maintaining its small-town charm.