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Weekly Housing Trends: Uncover Insights on Existing Home Market

Active Inventory and New Listings on the Rise

According to a recent report by, the active inventory of homes for sale has experienced a significant increase of 13.9% YoY (Year-over-Year). This rise in inventory marks the 14th consecutive week of YoY increases, following a period of 20 weeks with YoY decreases. Alongside this increase in active inventory, new listings have also seen a boost, with a 9.5% YoY increase. This growth in newly listed homes has now been above last year’s levels for 16 consecutive weeks.

What This Means for Homebuyers and Sellers

The surge in both active inventory and new listings provides a unique opportunity for both homebuyers and sellers. For buyers, this means a greater selection of homes to choose from, which can potentially lead to finding the perfect property at a more affordable price. For sellers, the increase in inventory may lead to a more competitive market, as there are more homes available for potential buyers to consider. This competition can drive up the value of properties, resulting in higher selling prices for homeowners. To make the most of this situation, sellers should consider working with an experienced real estate agent to ensure their property stands out from the competition.

Preparing for a Competitive Market

As the housing market continues to shift, it’s essential for both buyers and sellers to stay informed and prepared for potential challenges. For buyers, this may involve securing pre-approval for a mortgage, researching neighborhoods and property types, and working with a knowledgeable real estate agent to navigate the competitive market. For sellers, this could mean investing in home improvements, staging their property to appeal to potential buyers, and strategically pricing their home to attract attention in a crowded market.

Long-term Implications

While the current increase in active inventory and new listings is a positive sign for the housing market, it’s essential to consider the potential long-term implications of these trends. As more homes become available for sale, there may be an eventual shift in the market, with supply beginning to outpace demand. This could lead to a more balanced market, where neither buyers nor sellers have a significant advantage. To stay ahead of these trends and make informed decisions in the real estate market, it’s crucial for both buyers and sellers to work with experienced professionals who can provide valuable insights and guidance.

Working with a Professional Real Estate Agent

Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, working with a professional real estate agent can make all the difference in navigating the ever-changing housing market. A knowledgeable agent can provide insights into local market trends, help you prepare your home for sale or guide you through the home-buying process, and ensure that you’re making the best decisions for your unique situation. To find a trusted real estate agent, consider checking out the listings and resources available on Jessica Fulk’s website.


The recent increase in active inventory and new listings in the housing market presents both opportunities and challenges for buyers and sellers. To make the most of this situation, it’s essential to stay informed about market trends, work with a professional real estate agent, and be prepared for potential shifts in the market. By staying proactive and informed, both buyers and sellers can make the best decisions for their unique needs and goals in the real estate market.