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Foreign Real Estate Agencies Boom in Mallorca’s Towns Comes to an End

The rapid expansion of foreign real estate agencies in the towns and villages of Mallorca’s ‘part forana’ (away from Palma) seems to have come to a halt. The real estate sector had become “oversized,” with new agencies opening, but with no control over them. This article delves into the reasons behind this change and the implications it has on the real estate market in Mallorca.

Factors Contributing to the End of the Boom

There are several factors that have contributed to the end of the boom in foreign real estate agencies in Mallorca’s towns:

  • Market saturation: The influx of foreign real estate agencies led to a crowded market, with too many agencies competing for a limited number of clients and properties. This saturation resulted in decreased profitability for individual agencies, forcing some to close down or merge with others.
  • Regulatory changes: Changes in real estate regulations have made it more challenging for foreign agencies to operate in Mallorca. These regulations include stricter licensing requirements and higher fees, which have raised the barriers to entry for new agencies and made it more difficult for existing ones to continue operating.
  • Economic factors: The global economic situation has had a significant impact on the real estate market in Mallorca. A slowdown in economic growth, combined with factors such as Brexit and fluctuating currency rates, has led to reduced demand for properties from foreign buyers. This has, in turn, affected the number of transactions that foreign real estate agencies can facilitate.

Implications of the End of the Boom

The end of the boom in foreign real estate agencies in Mallorca’s towns has several implications for the local real estate market:

  • Increased competition: With fewer agencies operating in the market, the competition among them is likely to intensify. This could lead to better services and more competitive pricing for clients as agencies strive to attract a larger share of the market.
  • Greater focus on quality: As the market becomes more competitive, agencies may place a greater emphasis on the quality of their services and the properties they represent. This could result in better overall experiences for clients and higher satisfaction rates.
  • More stable market: With the market no longer being flooded with new agencies, it is likely to become more stable, allowing for more predictable growth and fewer fluctuations in property prices.

What This Means for Foreign Buyers and Sellers

While the end of the boom in foreign real estate agencies in Mallorca’s towns may lead to a more competitive and stable market, it also means that foreign buyers and sellers need to be more cautious when choosing an agency to work with. Some factors to consider when selecting a real estate agency include:

  • Reputation: Look for agencies with a solid reputation in the market, backed by positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients.
  • Experience: Choose an agency with extensive experience in the local market, as they will have a better understanding of the market dynamics and trends.
  • Professionalism: Ensure that the agency you choose is professional, responsive, and transparent in their dealings with clients.
  • Services offered: Consider the range of services offered by the agency, such as property management, legal support, and assistance with financing, to ensure that they can cater to your specific needs.


The end of the boom in foreign real estate agencies in Mallorca’s towns signifies a shift in the local real estate market. With fewer agencies operating, the market is likely to become more competitive, leading to better services and more stable property prices. However, it also means that foreign buyers and sellers need to be more cautious when choosing an agency to work with. By considering factors such as reputation, experience, professionalism, and services offered, clients can ensure that they select the right agency to help them navigate the Mallorca real estate market.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors