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Kansas Electricity Rate Changes: Increases for Some, Decreases for Others

Many Evergy customers in Kansas are experiencing a rate increase, while others in the Kansas City area are seeing a decrease, as approved by the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC). The rate changes result from a settlement agreement between the KCC and Evergy, following the rejection of Evergy’s original proposed rate hike, according to KSNW reports.

Negotiations and Agreement Details

The KCC states that the settlement agreement was submitted after negotiations involving KCC staff, Evergy, the Citizens Utility Ratepayer Board, and representatives from education, business, and environmental groups. Evergy initially requested a $204 million rate hike for former Westar customers and a $14 million increase for Evergy Kansas Metro customers in the Kansas City metro area.

As a result of the agreement, Evergy Metro customers will now pay $32.9 million less, while the remaining Evergy Kansas customers will pay $74 million more. This means that Evergy customers in the Central district will see their monthly bill increase by approximately $4.64, starting with the December 21st billing cycle. Evergy Metro customers, on the other hand, will see their bill decrease by about $6.07.

Impact on Evergy’s Financial Obligations and Service Quality

The order states that the commission believes the agreed-upon rates will provide Evergy with sufficient revenue to meet its financial obligations and offer safe and reliable service at just and reasonable rates to its customers. After considering all the terms of the Unanimous Settlement Agreement, the commission finds it to be in the public interest.

Stay Informed and Adapt to Changes

As an Evergy customer, it’s essential to stay informed about potential changes in electricity rates and how they might affect your monthly expenses. If you are concerned about the impact of these rate changes on your household budget, consider exploring energy-saving measures and adjusting your usage patterns to minimize any negative effects.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors