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Lessons Learned: Embracing the Power of Communication

Real estate agents across the nation share stories of the lessons they’ve learned during their time in the industry. One such agent, Camila Lincowski, moved to Las Vegas in 2015 and built her client book from the ground up. With clients ranging from professional athletes to performers on the Las Vegas strip, she’s a 24/7 agent. Along with her husband, a top Las Vegas lender, she prides herself on giving “undivided attention” to her clients from start to finish. In this article, Camila shares her experiences and the valuable lessons she’s learned in her real estate journey.

Embracing Authenticity and Persistence

Camila’s tenacity and willingness to be herself has been a driving force behind her success. She doesn’t take “no” for an answer, and while her candidness may get her into trouble sometimes, it has also helped her build a reputation as a genuine and dedicated agent. Her favorite clients to work with are first-time homebuyers, who often need the most guidance and support during the home-buying process.

Connecting Childhood Goals to Real Estate Success

As a child, Camila knew she didn’t want to work a typical 9-5 job. Her assertiveness and ability to stand up for herself and others led her to a career in real estate, where she could use those skills to help clients navigate the often complex and intimidating process of buying or selling a home.

Valuable Advice from Mentors and Colleagues

One of the most important pieces of advice Camila received from a mentor was to keep her mouth shut when necessary. Not every thought needs to be shared, and maintaining professionalism is key to building a successful career in real estate.

What New Agents Should Know

Camila advises new agents to forget everything they learned in real estate school, as clients are more interested in an agent’s experience, motivation, and network than their knowledge of technical terms and concepts. She emphasizes the importance of learning from those around you and paying attention to the details in order to succeed in the industry.

Improving Life and Business Through Communication

Camila believes that one of the best things anyone can do to improve their life and business is to pick up their phone and engage in conversation. You never know who might be on the other end and what opportunities may arise from simply reaching out and connecting with others.

A Memorable Transaction and the Importance of Trusting Your Gut

Camila recalls a memorable transaction involving a high-profile client who reached out to her via referral. Despite everything checking out on paper, she felt uneasy about the client’s intentions. After bringing a coworker with her to meet the client and experiencing some red flags, she decided to trust her gut and end the professional relationship. This experience taught her the importance of always listening to her instincts when it comes to client interactions.

In conclusion, Camila Lincowski’s journey in the real estate industry highlights the importance of authenticity, persistence, and effective communication. By embracing these qualities and learning from her experiences, she has built a successful career and continues to make a positive impact on her clients’ lives.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors