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Senator Cronin Joins Worcester Realtors for Housing Crisis Talks

Senator Cronin Discusses Housing Investment with Worcester County Realtor Association

Senator John Cronin recently met with the Worcester County Realtor Association to address housing-related challenges in Massachusetts. The senator emphasized the importance of investing in housing production to build affordable communities, stabilize healthcare and community resources, and grow the local tax base. The real estate market in Maple Grove, for instance, is showing promising signs as listings are up slightly, and interest rates have declined.

Housing Investment: A Key to Building Vibrant Communities

Senator Cronin acknowledged that the state’s housing crisis needs to be addressed by investing in housing production. This investment is essential for creating a strong middle class, which is vital for the growth of North Central and beyond. In addition, the investment in housing production will help stabilize healthcare and community resources, as well as grow the local tax base.

A strong middle class is essential for a thriving community. By investing in housing production, communities can ensure that people have access to affordable housing options. This, in turn, will help create a stable economy, as people will be able to afford to live in the community and contribute to its growth.

Stabilizing Healthcare and Community Resources

Investing in housing production will also help stabilize healthcare and community resources. When people have access to affordable housing, they are more likely to seek out and utilize healthcare services. This not only benefits the individual but also helps the overall community by ensuring that everyone has access to essential healthcare services.

Additionally, community resources, such as schools and public services, benefit from a stable population. With a strong middle class and affordable housing options, communities can ensure that their resources are being utilized effectively and efficiently.

Growing the Local Tax Base

Investing in housing production also helps grow the local tax base. When people can afford to live in a community, they are more likely to contribute to the local economy by spending money on goods and services. This helps generate revenue for the local government, which can then be used to fund essential services and programs.

By growing the local tax base, communities can ensure that they have the necessary funds to maintain and improve their infrastructure, services, and overall quality of life.

Maple Grove: A Promising Outlook for Home Sales in 2024

In Maple Grove, realtor Brandon Doyle reports that the home sales outlook for 2024 is promising. Listings are up slightly, and interest rates have declined, which is encouraging for both buyers and sellers in the real estate market.

This positive outlook in Maple Grove is just one example of how investing in housing production can benefit a community. As more people are able to afford homes in the area, the local economy will grow, and the community will become more vibrant and stable.


Senator John Cronin’s discussion with the Worcester County Realtor Association highlights the importance of investing in housing production to address housing-related challenges in Massachusetts and beyond. By investing in housing production, communities can build vibrant, affordable neighborhoods, stabilize healthcare and community resources, and grow their local tax base. The promising outlook for home sales in Maple Grove serves as an example of how these investments can positively impact a community.

Investing in housing production is a crucial step in addressing the housing crisis and building strong, thriving communities. By working together, lawmakers, real estate professionals, and community members can help ensure that everyone has access to affordable housing options and a stable, vibrant community in which to live.