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Arkansas Realtors Association Welcomes New CEO Stephanie White

Stephanie White Appointed as CEO of Arkansas Realtors Association

The Arkansas Realtors Association (ARA) recently announced the appointment of Stephanie White as its next CEO. With nearly 20 years of industry experience, White is well-equipped to lead ARA into the future. This article will discuss her background, her new role, and what this appointment means for the ARA and the Arkansas real estate market.

Stephanie White’s Background

Before joining ARA, White served as CEO of the Mobile Area Association, where she gained valuable experience in managing a large real estate organization. She has also worked in various roles within the industry, giving her a well-rounded perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing real estate professionals today.

White’s Vision for ARA

In her new role as CEO, White aims to strengthen the ARA’s presence in the Arkansas real estate market by focusing on advocacy, education, and member services. She believes that a strong Realtor organization is essential for the success of the industry and plans to work closely with the ARA board and members to achieve their shared goals.

White has expressed her commitment to enhancing the value that ARA provides to its members. This includes investing in technology and tools that will help Realtors serve their clients more effectively, as well as offering relevant and timely education opportunities for continued professional growth.

What This Means for the Arkansas Real Estate Market

White’s appointment as CEO of ARA signals a renewed focus on supporting Realtors and fostering a thriving real estate market in Arkansas. As a respected leader in the industry, her experience and vision will be instrumental in guiding the organization towards greater success.

By focusing on advocacy, education, and member services, ARA will be better equipped to help Realtors navigate the challenges of the ever-changing real estate landscape. This will ultimately benefit not only Realtors but also homebuyers and sellers in Arkansas as they will have access to better-informed and more capable professionals.


Stephanie White’s appointment as CEO of the Arkansas Realtors Association is an exciting development for the organization and the Arkansas real estate market. With her extensive industry experience and commitment to serving the needs of Realtors, White is poised to lead ARA to new heights of success.

As ARA continues to grow and evolve under White’s leadership, Arkansas Realtors and their clients can look forward to a bright future in the real estate industry.

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