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Complete Legal Expands Services with eDiscovery Unit Acquisition

Complete Legal Acquires eDiscovery Unit

Mission-based Complete Legal has made its first acquisition less than a month after merging with two peers. This marks a significant milestone for the company, which continues to expand its presence in the legal industry. In this article, we will take a closer look at the recent merger and acquisition, and what it means for Complete Legal and its clients.

Background on Complete Legal

Complete Legal is a leading provider of eDiscovery and litigation support services to law firms and corporations. The company’s services include document review, data processing, legal consulting, and trial support. With a strong commitment to innovation and client satisfaction, Complete Legal has established itself as a trusted partner for legal professionals in need of comprehensive support throughout the litigation process.

Recent Merger with Two Peers

Less than a month ago, Complete Legal merged with two peers in the legal industry, further strengthening its position in the market. The merger was a strategic move designed to enhance the company’s capabilities and offer clients a broader range of services. By joining forces with its peers, Complete Legal has solidified its reputation as a one-stop-shop for all eDiscovery and litigation support needs.

Benefits of the Merger

The merger has brought numerous benefits to Complete Legal and its clients. Firstly, the combined expertise of the three companies has resulted in an even stronger team of professionals, equipped to handle the most complex and challenging cases. Additionally, the merger has allowed Complete Legal to expand its service offerings, ensuring that clients can access all the support they need under one roof.

Finally, the merger has enabled Complete Legal to leverage the resources and infrastructure of its partners, enhancing its ability to deliver cost-effective and efficient solutions to clients. Overall, the merger has positioned Complete Legal as a leading player in the legal industry, poised for continued growth and success.

Acquisition of eDiscovery Unit

In a bold move following the recent merger, Complete Legal has now made its first acquisition – an eDiscovery unit. This acquisition is a testament to the company’s commitment to expanding its capabilities and offering clients the most comprehensive range of services possible.

What is eDiscovery?

eDiscovery, or electronic discovery, refers to the process of identifying, collecting, and producing electronically stored information (ESI) in response to a request for production in a lawsuit or investigation. ESI can include emails, documents, presentations, databases, voicemail, audio and video files, social media, and web content. The eDiscovery process is a critical component of modern litigation, as it enables parties to access and review relevant information quickly and efficiently.

Benefits of the Acquisition

The acquisition of the eDiscovery unit will undoubtedly bring significant benefits to Complete Legal and its clients. By adding this specialized unit to its roster, the company can now offer clients a more comprehensive suite of services, further cementing its status as a one-stop-shop for all eDiscovery and litigation support needs.

Furthermore, the acquisition of the eDiscovery unit demonstrates Complete Legal’s commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends and technological advancements. By investing in this cutting-edge technology, the company is well-positioned to help clients navigate the complex and ever-evolving landscape of electronic discovery.


The recent merger and acquisition by Complete Legal signal the company’s determination to continue growing and evolving in the legal industry. By joining forces with its peers and acquiring a specialized eDiscovery unit, Complete Legal has demonstrated its commitment to providing clients with the most comprehensive and innovative range of services possible.

As the legal industry continues to change and adapt to new technologies and challenges, companies like Complete Legal will play a crucial role in helping law firms and corporations navigate these complexities. With its recent merger and acquisition, Complete Legal has proven that it is well-equipped to lead the charge in the ever-changing world of eDiscovery and litigation support.

For more information about Complete Legal and its services, please visit their official website.