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Competing Realtors Tackle Out-of-Compliance Home Sales in The Villages

Competing Realtors Can Force The Villages into Action on Out-of-Compliance Home Sales

In a recent opinion piece published by Villages News, a Villager proposes an interesting idea to address the issue of out-of-compliance home sales in The Villages. The suggestion is that competing realtors can force The Villages to take action on this issue. In this article, we will explore the idea and discuss its potential implications for the real estate market in The Villages.

Understanding the Issue of Out-of-Compliance Home Sales

Before diving into the proposed solution, it is essential to understand the problem at hand. Out-of-compliance home sales refer to the sales of homes that do not meet the standards set by the community’s governing body, in this case, The Villages. These non-compliant homes may have unpermitted additions, alterations, or modifications that were not approved by The Villages. As a result, they can create issues for both the buyer and the seller, as well as the community as a whole.

Why is it a Problem?

Out-of-compliance home sales pose several problems. First and foremost, they can lead to disputes between buyers and sellers, as buyers may feel cheated if they discover that their newly purchased home does not meet the community’s standards. Additionally, non-compliant homes can create issues for neighbors, as they may not adhere to the aesthetic and functional guidelines that contribute to the overall appeal and harmony of the community.

Moreover, out-of-compliance home sales can harm the reputation of The Villages as a premier retirement community. Prospective buyers may be deterred from purchasing homes in The Villages if they feel that the community’s standards are not being upheld.

How Can Competing Realtors Force The Villages into Action?

The Villager’s proposed solution involves leveraging the power of competition among realtors. The idea is that competing realtors can force The Villages to take action on out-of-compliance home sales by refusing to list or show non-compliant homes. This would, in turn, pressure sellers to ensure that their homes are compliant with the community’s standards before listing them for sale.

Benefits of the Proposed Solution

There are several potential benefits to implementing this solution. First, it would likely lead to a decrease in out-of-compliance home sales, as sellers would be more motivated to ensure that their homes meet the community’s standards. This would result in fewer disputes between buyers and sellers, as well as improved harmony within the community.

Second, by only listing and showing compliant homes, realtors would be upholding the reputation of The Villages as a premier retirement community. This would make The Villages more attractive to prospective buyers, ultimately benefiting both realtors and the community as a whole.

Potential Challenges

While the proposed solution has several potential benefits, it is not without its challenges. One potential issue is that it may be difficult for competing realtors to agree on a collective course of action. Realtors may be hesitant to refuse listings or showings of non-compliant homes, as doing so could potentially result in lost business for them.

Additionally, implementing this solution may require increased oversight and enforcement by The Villages, which could be both time-consuming and costly. However, the potential benefits of reducing out-of-compliance home sales may outweigh these challenges.


The idea of competing realtors forcing The Villages into action on out-of-compliance home sales is an intriguing one with several potential benefits. By refusing to list or show non-compliant homes, realtors can help to uphold the community’s standards, ultimately benefiting both buyers and sellers, as well as the community as a whole. While there may be challenges to implementing this solution, it is worth considering as a possible approach to addressing the issue of out-of-compliance home sales in The Villages.

If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in The Villages or surrounding areas, contact us at Jessica Fulk Real Estate for expert guidance and support. Our team is dedicated to helping you find your dream home while ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.