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Some Midwestern and Northeastern housing markets will likely see growth in 2024 in healthcare and manufacturing, says.

Toledo, Ohio: A Hotspot for Housing in 2024

The housing market’s stagnation in recent years is expected to continue into 2024. However, a forecast by has identified metro areas that are predicted to experience both rising prices and sales next year. Among these areas, Toledo, Ohio, is leading the way.

Growth in Midwestern and Northeastern Housing Markets

According to, some Midwestern and Northeastern housing markets are likely to see growth in 2024, particularly in healthcare and manufacturing sectors. Toledo, Ohio, stands out as the top city in terms of potential growth in the housing market.

This growth can be attributed to the city’s affordability and its strategic location in the Midwest, making it an attractive option for homebuyers. The increased demand for housing in Toledo will drive up both home prices and sales in the coming year.

Two Additional Affordable Regions to Watch

Besides Toledo, two other affordable regions are also expected to experience growth in the housing market in 2024. These areas offer potential homebuyers attractive options for affordable housing, making them ideal choices for those looking to invest in real estate.

For more information on these regions and their potential for growth in the housing market, read the full article at Barron’s.


As the housing market continues to stagnate, it is essential for potential homebuyers and investors to stay informed about the latest trends and forecasts. The growth of Toledo, Ohio, and other affordable regions in the Midwestern and Northeastern United States is a positive sign for those looking to invest in the housing market in the coming years.

For more information on buying and selling homes and staying informed about the latest real estate trends in your area, visit Jessica Fulk Real Estate.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors