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Kansas City Reindeer Farm Steps Up to Honor Snowglobe Express Train Tickets

Christmas comes early for people who were out hundreds of dollars after learning the Snowglobe Express Train would not run in Baldwin City, Kansas. A local reindeer farm is making good on another business’s broken promise, in the name of Christmas spirit, accepting train tickets to the Kansas City Reindeer Farm.

Reindeer Farm Offers Free Entry for Snowglobe Express Train Ticket Holders

Miranda Ritter, who takes care of Santa’s reindeer at the Kansas City Reindeer Farm, couldn’t stand seeing people expecting a holiday experience, instead losing hundreds of dollars. She decided to offer free entry to anyone who bought Snowglobe Express Train tickets last year but never got to ride and won’t get to this year.

About 50 people have taken her up on the offer so far. Last winter, Snowglobe sent patrons an email canceling the event due to “dangerously cold temperatures” and promised to honor train tickets this year. However, Snowglobe owner Ryan Robinson stated that the company no longer exists and there will be no train rides.

Kansas Attorney General’s Office Informed of the Situation

One woman who bought more than $300 in tickets said she filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office. FOX4 asked the AG’s Office how many complaints they have received and if Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is investigating. His office responded, “We can’t comment on open investigations. If consumers have complaints, they can file with our office. The website is at”

Reindeer Farm Focused on Creating Family Memories

Ritter’s mother, Joyce Ritter, came up with the idea to honor the train tickets, hoping to bring some reindeer magic to family memories. Inside Santa’s Cabin at the farm, Santa and Mrs. Claus will take pictures with the kids. The reindeer are used to the camera, as they’ve been featured in Lifetime films.

The farm also houses what Ritter calls “Santa’s misfits” – miniature horses, donkeys, and cows that her family rescued. Ritter said tickets to the Kansas City Reindeer Farm in Odessa are $12. By honoring the Snowglobe Express Train tickets, Ritter and her family hope to bring some Christmas cheer to those who were left disappointed by the canceled event.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors