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Realtors’ Association Shouldn’t Try to Block Voters’ Wishes

With over 73% of Santa Fe voters approving the affordable housing measure earlier this month, it was disheartening to see Donna Reynolds, the lobbyist for the Santa Fe Association of Realtors, attempt to block the voters’ wishes. Shannon Murphy, an affordable housing advocate living in Santa Fe, expresses her thoughts on the matter in her opinion piece.

Affordable Housing in High Demand

According to Murphy, the demand for affordable housing has been steadily increasing in Santa Fe, making it essential for the real estate industry to recognize and adapt to this need. The recently approved measure is expected to create more affordable housing options for the city’s residents.

Realtors’ Association’s Actions Questioned

Despite the overwhelming support from voters, Reynolds and the Santa Fe Association of Realtors seem to be trying to obstruct the implementation of the measure. Murphy questions their intentions and calls for transparency in their actions.

Supporting Affordable Housing Solutions

As an affordable housing advocate, Murphy believes that it is crucial for the real estate industry to support solutions that benefit the majority of the population. She urges the Santa Fe Association of Realtors to reconsider their stance and work towards a more inclusive housing market.

Importance of Community Involvement

Murphy emphasizes the importance of community involvement in ensuring that affordable housing initiatives are successful. She encourages residents to voice their opinions and hold their elected officials and industry representatives accountable for their actions.

Working Together for a Better Future

In conclusion, Murphy urges the Santa Fe Association of Realtors to work alongside the community and the local government to find effective solutions to the affordable housing crisis. By doing so, they can help create a more inclusive and vibrant city for all its residents.

Read the full opinion piece by Shannon Murphy here.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors