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Local Realtors Donate Over 1,000 Turkeys to Families in Need

Thanks to the generous efforts of a group of local realtors, families in need in Enola, Pennsylvania, will receive free turkeys this Thanksgiving. The Greater Harrisburg Association of Realtors and Karns Food Stores collaborated to distribute more than 1,000 turkeys on Friday morning.

Complete Thanksgiving Dinners

Along with the donated turkeys, families in need will also receive a Karns gift card to help them purchase a complete Thanksgiving dinner. Organizers of the event told abc27 that the demand for the turkeys continues to grow.

Meeting the Overwhelming Need

Co-chair Karen Detwiler said, “The need is overwhelming. We had a total request for 1,900-something turkeys and gift cards throughout our community, which we were able to fulfill half of that. Each year we try to give more. Next year, we’re hoping to feed 1,200 families.”

A Long-Standing Tradition

This year marks the 37th annual turkey distribution by the group of realtors. Their continued efforts in providing for families in need during the holiday season demonstrate their commitment to the local community.

Spreading the Word

News of the turkey donations has been shared widely on various platforms, including local news websites like abc27 and social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. By spreading the word, more people can become aware of the initiative and possibly contribute to its future success.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors