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The National Association of Realtors must face a proposed class action alleging it disclosed the personal information of subscribers to its Realtor magazine to data brokers and other third parties without their consent in violation of Michigan law, a federal court ruled.

National Association of Realtors Faces Class Action Lawsuit

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) is facing a proposed class action lawsuit for allegedly disclosing personal information of its Realtor magazine subscribers to data brokers and other third parties without their consent. The lawsuit claims this is a violation of Michigan law, and a federal court has ruled that the case can proceed.

Concrete Injury and Standing

Plaintiff Joshua Murray’s allegations were found to be sufficient in establishing that he suffered a concrete injury, a requirement for Article III standing. Judge F. Kay Behm of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan said that Murray also met the statutory requirements to state a claim under the Michigan Preservation of Personal Privacy Act.

Implications for Data Privacy

This lawsuit highlights the growing concerns surrounding data privacy and the responsibilities of organizations to protect the personal information of their subscribers and clients. As more cases like this emerge, it’s essential for companies to review their data handling practices and ensure they are compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.

It remains to be seen how this case will unfold and what the potential consequences for NAR could be. However, it serves as a reminder to all businesses of the importance of protecting the privacy of their customers and subscribers.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors