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California’s Existing-Home Sales Fell by 5.4% in September, Mirroring National Slowdown

  • Existing-home sales in California decreased by 5.4% in September, reflecting a national trend of slowing sales.
  • Working with an experienced real estate agent can help potential buyers and sellers navigate the changing market conditions.

Important Points

California’s Existing-Home Sales Slowdown

According to the California Association of Realtors, existing-home sales in the state fell by 5.4% in September. This decline mirrors a national trend of slowing sales, as the housing market adjusts to shifting demand and supply dynamics.

Working with an Experienced Real Estate Agent

In the face of changing market conditions, it’s essential to work with an experienced real estate agent who can provide valuable insights and guidance. A knowledgeable agent can help potential buyers and sellers navigate the market, assess available properties, and assist in the negotiation process, ensuring that clients secure the best possible deals on their homes.


As a real estate expert, I understand the importance of staying informed about market trends and adapting to changing conditions. The recent slowdown in California’s existing-home sales highlights the need for buyers and sellers to work with experienced professionals who can help them navigate the market and make informed decisions.

If you’re looking to buy a home or sell a home in California, partnering with an experienced real estate agent can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the process. By working with a knowledgeable professional, you can confidently navigate the changing market conditions and achieve your real estate goals.

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Kansas City Realtors